➡️ They are used to "referral" and "word of mouth" growth, but need a system that doesn't require advertising dollars to ACTUALLY scale the business.
➡️ They've been in business for a few years now, but when they tried scaling to the next level, they kept hitting wall after wall and unable to scale.
➡️ They are sick of sharing a large "cut" of the profits with outplacement coaching/consulting agencies.
➡️ They don't have any scalable solutions in place to get clients more predictably every month. Spending too much time prospecting and have been exhausted with very little to no ROI.
➡️ They’re great at numbers and have a proven track record as a business, but don’t understand digital marketing well and need help.
➡️ New Sales/Marketing strategies have been sporadic without any systematic way to stay on top of their ideal clients. They have no info/systematic way of comparing their marketing efforts.